Catching up on past gigs – Books, 21st July 2010

Ah, you literary types are demanding. So we gave you everything you could ever have wanted and more.

Sarah Bennetto was the master storyteller, constructing the narrative for the night.

Chiara Ambrosio revealed Picasso’s sexy secrets that the art books never tell you.

Myles MacDonald wondered what the ancient Greeks were smoking when they wrote their legends.

Jane Gilbert took us into the history of books, cows, and medieval sexual roles.

Nick Canty exposed the seedy underbelly of publishing.

Steve Cross told the story of buying 600 diet books. Check down below for the video!

Nic Fleming shared what it’s like to really hunt for a story.

And Helen Arney played sweet, sweet music. Helen and Sarah also combined for the second-ever appearance of their new indie band, Noah and the Snail. It’s not clear who is the Snail.

This month’s photos were taken by Michelle at

Steve Cross – Buying Diet Books video

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