10 Commandments


The first rule of Bright Club is that you tell all your friends about Bright Club

The second rule of Bright Club is that you TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT BRIGHT CLUB

Third rule: Everyone has to be funny

Fourth rule: Every event will be compered by a professional comedian and feature a professional comedian headline act.

Fifth rule: Every event will feature some (4 to 8) content performers, talking amusingly about the things they study, work on or know about.

Sixth rule: For most gigs content performers should be University researchers.

Seventh rule: Lots of extra points if your content performers don’t normally do this sort of thing.

Eighth rule: Time will be divided roughly equally between professionals and content performers.

Ninth rule: Anyone who won’t attend training or put in the time to write a set with jokes in can’t perform.

Tenth rule: If the audience don’t feel like they’ve come to a proper comedy night, you’re not doing it right.

Tenth and a halfth rule: If the most of audience work or study at Universities you’re not doing it right.

Ten and three-quarterth rule: If the audience AND performers don’t leave cleverer than they arrived you’re doing it wrong.

Ten and seven-eighth rule: Charge real money for people to attend. The audience will thank you for it.

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